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Brief Title
Baby Registry: What it is and when to start

(Brief copy in bold)


  • ​Include as many of these key phrases for SEO purposes. 

  • Minimum 1500 words

  • Include interlinks and basic HTML code.

how to create a baby registry (880)

when do you make baby registry (590)

when to make a baby registry (590)

when should I make a baby registry (480)

how does a baby registry work (480)

when to create a baby registry (170)

when to do a baby registry (40)

baby registry meaning (110)

when to start baby registry (110)

what is a registry for baby shower (90)

what is the point of baby registry (90)

baby registry tips first time parents (40)

This topic should cover what a baby registry is in general, why is it useful to create it, when do people usually start preparing it. With this article we would like to help with tips on how to build a baby registry. Include interlink to product and article pages as well.


<h1> What is a Baby Registry and When Do you Make it? <h1>

Generic Intro copy

Yay! You’re having a baby! So… what now? Don’t worry, whether you’re pregnant, partnering with a surrogate, adopting, or are supporting your partner having a baby -- we got you. We have you covered from the prenatal [] stage all the way up to when they’re quite literally running [] you around in circles. But where do you start? Our Baby Essentials Checklist [Dreft Baby Essentials Checklist– new article/hyperlink tbd] is a great place. It lists out all your must haves including our Stage 1: Newborn Liquid Detergent [Link to product page] to get you started. But let’s back up and break this registry thing down [link to TLDR section of same article]. What’s the point of a baby registry?

What is a baby registry and how does it work? [anchor link to respective section]

How to create a baby registry? [anchor link to respective section]

When is the best time to start a baby registry? [anchor link to respective section]

When to make a baby registry public? [anchor link to respective section]

Tips for building a baby registry [anchor link to respective section]

Frequently Asked Questions About Baby Registry [anchor link to respective section]


<h2> What is a baby registry and how does it work? </h2>

  • Explain what a baby registry is

  • Explain how it works

  • Why creating a registry is useful?

  • When moms-to-be will receive the items that were put on the list?

    What is a Baby Registry and how does it work?

Technically, a baby registry is just a list – a list used to tell your friends and family what gifts you’d like to get at a baby shower []. But really, it’s your to-do list. A source of organization in the chaos of planning for a baby, and your best friend who tells the rest of your friends that no, you don’t actually want a baby wipe warmer for every room in the house, even if some swear by the convenience. So even if you’re not planning on having a baby shower, we still suggest creating one.


  • These days, baby registries mostly live online or in apps, or both. We personally like the convenience of a registry that has both a website and an app [Tips section of this same article hyperlink]. That way you can add items to your registry from your couch while binge-watching the latest trending streaming show, or while bouncing from aisle to aisle in your favorite store stocking up binge-worthy snacks [].


  • Use your registry to organize your wish list [Dreft Baby Registry Checklist– new article/hyperlink tbd] for at least the first year, or even a little past that if you’re a planner like some of us. Keeping it all in one spot will help you keep track of what have and what you still need as you go on the wild ride of prepping for baby. It will also keep your friends and loved ones connected by letting them know what’s been gifted to you already, so you don’t end up with a baby wipe warmer for every room in the house unintentionally. Most sites and apps even update this in real time!


  • So when will you get the goods? Heads up, sometimes people like to gift items before the baby shower for the convenience (less to carry into the party!) or because they won’t be able to make it to your shower. We know having random packages arrive in the middle of your nesting [Dreft Nesting page – new article/hyperlink tbd] can mess with your flow. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by this sporadic arrival of gifts that may come once you’ve sent out your registry link. Really, any gifts that come early are a convenience because you’ll have less to bring home after the shower! Now that you know what a baby registry is and what to expect, let’s go over how to make one.


<h2> How to create a baby registry? </h2>

First step is to choose where you want to host your baby registry. A lot of people like to use a registry offered by their favorite store, like Amazon or Target. We mentioned earlier [link to What is a baby registry section of this same article] that we’d suggest registries that have a site and an app, but maybe more importantly, one that allows you to add items from any website or store so you’re not limited on options. Babylist [] is a great example of that, plus they have online guides for new parents [  Babylist guide that includes Dreft as one of their top 8 best baby detergents; named best “Classic Pick”] that can be great supplemental sources for first-time parent advice paired with our Baby 101 [].

To create your registry, if you already have an account with your registry choice, once you’re logged in you should be able to search “baby registry” on their site and it should guide you to their registry sign-up section. If you’re going with a site and/or app that has been specifically made for registries like MyRegistry or Babylist, simply visiting their homepage will point you in the right direction.

If you’re going old-school and would prefer to do your registry in-person you can just go to the store you choose and let customer service know you’d like to start one and they’ll be able to get you started. But when should you do this?


<h2> When is the best time to start a baby registry? </h2>

Honestly, this is completely up to you and can be dependent on your lifestyle, personality type, whether-or-not this is your first rodeo, and even your personal relationship and history with pregnancy. Most parents-to-be start researching baby products, like which detergent to start with [Dreft Baby Detergent Lineup Overview – link tbd – new article], pretty early into the pregnancy, but will wait until the beginning of the second trimester to actually start creating their registry. Some also wait until the 20-week mark to start (that’s when many find out the sex of the baby, which can make it easier to shop).

If you want to start putting your list together early but aren’t comfortable sharing your registry yet, most registries offer a private mode so you can decide when to make your registry public.

If you plan on being surprised by the sex of your new baby or you just don’t know yet, you can still start your registry! There are a ton of gender-neutral options [Dreft – Baby Clothes article? If it has a section about gender neutral clothing – or any other Dreft article that mentions gender neutral baby products] for items that are commonly genderized, and a lot of baby necessities [Dreft Baby Essentials Checklist– new article/hyperlink tbd] that aren’t dependent on the sex of the baby.

If you were hoping for a bit more guidance here, a good idea is to create your registry once you’re comfortable sharing the exciting news that your family is growing. When that is, is completely up to you, but here’s some great advice [] to help you decide. Now you’re probably wondering, “Okay, so when do I send this thing out?”


<h2> When to make a baby registry public? </h2>

This one again is completely up to you. However, if you’re having a baby shower, you’ll want to make sure your registry is up and running by the time your invitations hit inboxes and mailboxes. Many parents wait until the end of the second trimester to share their registry, which is a good “rule of thumb” if you’re not having a baby shower to use as an indicator of when to make your registry public.


<h2> Tips for building a baby registry </h2>

<h3> 1. Choose your baby registry platform wisely </h3>

  • Online vs offline

  • Make it easy on family and friends

  • Include the most popular choices in the USA

Tips for building a baby registry

Choose your baby registry platform wisely, and choose it for you

  • Online or offline – online meaning a registry platform that is purely focused on gift registries and doesn’t have any brick and mortar locations, like Amazon, MyRegistry, or Babylist. Offline meaning a registry that technically has an offline option -- like retailer registries where people can go in-store, give your name to customer service, and get a list to shop from. Think about your circle and the people most likely to shop from a registry when making this decision.

  • Make it easy on family and friends -- If everyone you plan on sending your registry to knows how to shop online easily, then we vote for something like Babylist, Amazon, or MyRegistry because you’ll be able to add items from more stores that way. If your circle is more split down the middle or includes a handful of people that have difficulty shopping online, you may want to consider a registry that offers an offline option.

  • Our suggestions – there are a lot of options for registries these days, it can truly be overwhelming. So here are our top three picks for places to host your registry to help make it a little bit easier.

    • Babylist – a great option that specifically makes it easier for parents to create, collaborate, and share their registry. When you initially sign up for Babylist, you’ll be asked a series of questions about baby and yourself so that your recommendations are customized based on your lifestyle, personality, and preferences. It’s like a Buzzfeed, “Which princess are you?” quiz except a lot more useful. It also allows you to collaborate with your partner through the app so you can both add items and can view what the other has added (so you can reiterate for the millionth time… no honey, we really don’t need that many baby wipe warmers)!

    • Amazon – let’s be real, Amazon is the largest retailer in the world (yes, even bigger than Walmart according to the New York Times [] as of 2021), so it’s probably safe to say a majority of the people you’ll be sending your registry to will know how to shop on Amazon. However, ALL of them might not, so that would be something to consider when deciding on a registry. Also to note, while Amazon has recently updated their registry to allow you to add products from any website, this feature is only available on desktop (as of February 2022).

    • Target – Who doesn’t love Target? Seriously, everyone loves and spends probably too much time at Target (but is there really such a thing?!), which is why it’s also a top pick of ours. It’s convenient for both online shoppers and in-store shoppers so if your everyone on your invite list isn’t online-saavy, this may be the way to go to keep it easy for everyone.

<h3> 2. Ask for gender neutral items </h3>

  • Some items can be expensive, so when someone considers a second child, it is wiser to choose neutral colors.

Ask for gender neutral items

  • This will allow you to get started earlier if you want to since there are so many baby necessities [Dreft Baby Essentials Checklist– new article/hyperlink tbd] that are truly gender neutral.

  • In turn, this will allow your friends and family to shop sooner rather than later so you can be as prepared as possible.

  • This is especially helpful if you plan on having more kids. Hand-me-downs for the win!


<h3> 3. Keep it simple </h3>

Keep it simple

  • Organize your registry into categories and then try to narrow it down to just one option per need. Even if it’s SUPER hard to decide between the yellow or the teal crib… make yourself do it.

  • Registering for too many things can cause duplicates and becoming unnecessarily overwhelmed!


  1. <h3> 4. Include items at a variety of price points</h3>

Include items at a variety of price points

  • Your list of people to send your registry to will likely include people from all aspects of your life; work, home, school friends, etc. Make sure to include options for everyone to get regardless of their budget.

  • A variety of price points will also probably lead to more gifts, aka less baby shopping stress for you.


<h3> 5. Ask for things to grow with your child </h3>

  • Include a list with some items to consider: e.g.: baby carrier, play house

Ask for things to grow with your child

  • Don’t forget about toddlerhood! It may seem forever away now, but trust us – it will come faster than you can imagine. Adding in a few toddler learning toys like stacking rings, letter fridge magnets, or block puzzles will help you be prepared for the day you blink and suddenly baby is sneaking off to the pantry to stack cans of tomato sauce into leaning towers of pizza… ingredients.

  • Plan even further into the future by creating a college savings account and adding the contribution link to your registry.


<h3> 6. Remember to register for you as well </h3>

  • Include list of creative ideas: that can make a mom’s job easier: housecleaning service, food delivery etc.

Remember to register for you as well

  • You deserve it! You’ve dealt with the stress and anxiety of prepping for baby – now make sure your transition into new-baby-life is as easy as possible. For example, it will be hard to keep up around the house so adding housekeeping gift certificates or food delivery gift cards can help make those first few months a little easier.

  • Add a few things for your convenience. If you’re planning on breastfeeding, definitely add a haaka (A what?! It’s a little hand-pump thingymabobber that will catch all that spare liquid gold that falls from the opposite side you’re nursing on so you can split feeding duties with someone else through bottle feeding. If you’re not into bottle feeding, you could consider donating it!

  • If you plan on bottle feeding, the Baby Brezza could become an essential addition to your kitchen counter just like our Dreft Stage 2: Active Baby Detergent will be for your laundry room once baby starts crawling around and spilling those bottles all over themselves. If you plan on breastfeeding and bottle feeding… register for a haaka and a Baby Brezza. YOLO right? Or whatever the kids are saying these days…


Summary of Frequently Asked Questions

  • A baby registry is a shopping list for your friends; more importantly a shopping list that connects your friends so they know what has already been purchased from your wishlist so you don’t get a million of the same toys to wash [Dreft How To Wash Toys].

  • Creating a baby registry will help you get organized, save yourself some sanity from this baby-prepping rollercoaster ride!

  • Create your registry somewhere that works best for you and your circle. Tech-saavy circle? Go with a website/app like Babylist or MyRegistry. Wanna make your registry in person? Choose an option that has offline access like Target or Walmart.

  • Many parents-to-be create their registry around the end of the second trimester (around the same time most share the exciting news); another popular time to do it is around the 20-week-mark, or whenever you find out the sex of the baby – since knowing that can make shopping easier.

  • Most online registries have a private option, so you can choose when to share your registry with the world! Just make sure it’s out there by the time invitations go out if you’re having a baby shower.

  • Prep for the future by adding toddler items, or way into the future with a tuition funding option. Seriously, running around will come so much sooner than you want it to! Add some block puzzles or learning toys for that moment when you blink and they’re suddenly a literal genius (okay fine maybe not, but it will feel like that).

  • Create categories and a generic “need” list first; then fill in with the specific items you want for each of those needs. This will help you keep it simple for shoppers.

  • Don’t forget you! Add things to your registry that are just for you or your convenience, not necessarily for baby’s comfort – like housekeeping gift certificates, massage gift cards, or create a “fund” people can contribute to (food delivery fund, babysitting fund, preschool tuition fund, etc.) to help you increase your savings [Dreft coupons page] during the hectic first year.


<Closing section>

Now that you know all there is to know about baby registries, let’s plan a party! [] (Or at least grab some useful tips to pass onto someone else so they can plan a party for you.)

Brief Title: How to Wash Toys

(Brief copy in bold)

  • Baby Registry: What it is and when to start

    • Include as many of these key phrases for SEO purposes. 

    • Minimum 1,000 words

    • Include interlinks and basic HTML code.

how to wash stuffed animals (5400)
how to clean stuffed animals (2900)

how to wash a teddy bear (590)

how to wash plush toys (390)

how to wash stuffed animals by hand (390)

how to wash stuffed animals without ruining them (390)

how to wash plushies    (390)

how to clean plush toys (390)

how to wash stuffed animals in washer (260)

how to dry stuffed animals (210)

how to clean stuffed animals without water (210)

how to surface clean stuffed animals (170)

how to wash big stuffed animals (170)

how to surface wash a stuffed animal (140)

how to wash a stuffed animal in the washing machine (110)

how to wash stuffed animals without a washing machine (90)

how to clean stuffed animals with batteries (70)

how to spot clean stuffed animals (70)

how to dry stuffed animals in the dryer (50)

how to wash and dry stuffed animals (40)

how to air dry stuffed animals (30)

Main task: Create a comprehensive article about how to clean stuffed animals based on the information provided in this brief.

The purpose of this article is to give structured information to parents about cleaning stuffed animals/plush (big or small) toys from washing to drying. Talk about dos and don’ts and highlight factors that are worth paying attention to before and during the washing. Since drying stuffed animals can be tricky, please talk about possible drying methods as well.

When recommending a cleaning solution, please describe other methods (e.g., household items and natural products like vinegar, baking soda, etc) as well. However, please also highlight the benefits of using Dreft products and the main focus should be on Dreft.

Add interlinking recommendations for articles and products. Please make sure to link each product only once to avoid duplication of internal links.


<h1> How to Wash Stuffed Animals <h1>

If you’ve found your way here, that means for one reason or another – you’ve probably got your fair share of “stuffies” floating around. And let’s be real. They can get <i>kinda</i> gross. Between spills, stains [link: How to Remove Baby Food Stains], and coming in all shapes and sizes – they can be tricky to get clean. Don’t worry, we got ya. Here’s all you need to know about how to get those adorable little plushies clean.

How to Clean Stuffed Animals [anchor link to respective section]

How to Wash Stuffed Animals in the Washer [anchor link to respective section]

How to Wash Stuffed Animals by Hand [anchor link to respective section]

How to Surface Clean Stuffed Animals [anchor link to respective section]

How to Wash a Teddy Bear [anchor link to respective section]

FAQs about How to Wash Stuffed Animals [anchor link to respective section]

<h2> How to Clean Stuffed Animals</h2>

<h3>What to know before washing stuffed animals.</h3>

Good news! Most stuffed animals are safe to clean in your washing machine. For super furry ones or those with electronics or embellishments, it’s better to wash stuffed animals by hand or surface clean stuffed animals to be on the safe side. Step one, check the tag for washing instructions, if they’re there – you’re all set, easy peasy. If not – read on for instructions on how to wash plush toys in different ways.

<h2> How to Wash Stuffed Animals in the Washer </h2>

If you’ve determined it’s safe to do, here’s how to wash a stuffed animal in the washing machine.


<li>Put the toy in a mesh laundry bag to wash. You can use a zippered pillowcase if you don’t have one or a regular pillowcase and knot it at the top to seal.</li>

<li>Make sure you use a separate bag/pillowcase for each toy.</li>

<li>Wash on delicate using cold water and the proper amount of your preferred Dreft Liquid Detergent [link: Dreft Baby Detergent Lineup Overview] according to the size of the load as directed on your Dreft Liquid Detergent [link: Dreft Baby Detergent Lineup Overview] bottlecap.</li>
<li>Run a <i>second</i> rinse on cold to make sure all the suds are out.</li>

<li>Remove from the bag and air dry over night or longer depending on the size of the toy.</li>

<h2> How to Wash Stuffed Animals by Hand </h2>

Too big to fit in the washer or seem like a delicate fabric [link: How to Protect Delicate Clothes with Dreft]? Maybe it has things like sequins, eyes, or beads just attached with glue. Some stuffies have batteries and other electronic components. In these cases, it’s easiest to hand-wash stuffed toys in the sink.

<br>Here’s how:<br>


<li>Fill the basin halfway with cold water and add two tablespoons of Dreft Family Friendly Liquid Detergent [link:]. If your littles or others in your family have sensitive skin, use Dreft Pure Gentleness Liquid Detergent [link:] instead. </li>

<li>Mix the solution well, then soak the plushy to gently squeeze your Dreft solution all the way through. Make sure to completely avoid any electronic parts if there are any while doing this. If avoiding electronic parts isn’t possible, skip this method and use our next idea below (spot cleaning).</li>

<li>Use your fingers to gently rub any soiled areas clean, especially if the fabric is textured since wash cloths can catch and pull textured fabrics out. </li>

<li>Once you’re done washing, drain your sink and again gently squeeze (don’t wring it – this can disfigure the toy) to get all the water out. </li>

<li>To finish, rinse under plain cold water and continue squeezing until the water runs free of suds, then air dry over night or longer depending on the size of the toy.</li>


<h2> How to Surface Clean Stuffed Animals </h2>

Sometimes it’s a little too risky to submerge a beloved plushy in water to wash it. We get it – sometimes lovies turn into more than just another stuffy you got at the baby shower [link: Baby Shower Gifts]. Don’t worry, if this is a concern you can still get those cuties clean with spot cleaning and deodorizing.



<li>Spot Cleaning – To spot clean stuffed animals, mix one teaspoon of your favorite Dreft Liquid Detergent [link:] into one cup of cold water. First, do a spot test to check for discoloration by dipping a cotton swab into the solution and dabbing it on the back or bottom of the toy. If dye doesn’t come off the stuffy to the cotton swab, use just a small part of a wash cloth to lightly wipe the surface of the toy to remove grime. Use a fresh wash cloth dampened with just plain water to wipe away the detergent once you’re done and let it air dry.</li>

<li>Deodorizing – If you need to simply freshen up musty-smelling stuffies or want to bring back that new baby smell [link:Bring Back That New Baby Smell], shake them in a ziplock bag (if it fits, if not, whatever type of bag it fits in and seal it by twisting the top of the bag and holding it together with your hand) with plain baking soda or a small capful of Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Booster [link:].  Let the toy sit in the bag once shaken for a few hours, then shake the powder off once you’ve removed it. You can use your vacuum cleaner on low to remove any residue of the powder (but be sure to clean your vacuum right after, baking soda can cake in vacuum tubes and cause clogs later). </li>


<h2> How to Wash a Teddy Bear </h2>

Most teddy bears are furry or have embellishments for the eyes and nose. Some like the classic storytelling teddy (you know, batteries required but not included) have electronic compartments and wires. So if you want to wash a teddy bear, overall we suggest surface cleaning [link: anchorlink to How to Surface Clean Stuffed Animals section]. Same goes for if need to wash an old teddy bear since they tend to be more fragile. But if your old teddy seems strong enough to be handwashed, you can follow our step-by-step for handwashing stuffies here. [link: anchorlink to How to Wash Stuffed Animals by Hand section] If they seem safe to be throw in the washing machine, here are a few quick tips [link: anchorlink to How to Wash Stuffed Animals in the Washer section] for how to do that. Hopefully these quick tutorials have been helpful in learning how to wash stuffed animals without ruining them! But just in case you’re looking for a little more info or didn’t have time to read through all of them, read on for our quick FAQs.

<h2> FAQs about How to Wash Stuffed Animals </h2>
Please provide short answers (character limit: 30-60 words) to the most relevant ones of the below questions. The aim of this section from SEO PoV is to target the „People Also Ask” box of the Google Results Page. (only 2 of the questions listed in the brief popped up in the People Also Ask box from Google, so I replaced the last three with the other three People Also Ask results)

<h3>Can you put stuffed animals in the dryer?</h3>
You can dry machine washable [link: anchorlink to How to Wash Stuffed Animals in the Washer section] stuffed animals in the dryer using proper precautions. Leave the clean stuffed animals in the mesh laundry bag or pillowcase you used for washing and put your dryer gentle, short cycle with low temp. The air dry setting is best if available. Also, be sure to check on it occasionally.

<h3>Is it OK to put stuffed animals in the washing machine?</h3>
Washing a stuffed animal is easy. But some plush toys are older, or more delicate, than others. Hand-washing [link: anchorlink to How to Wash Stuffed Animals by Hand section] will be the right option for those well-worn toys, while machine-washing [link: anchorlink to How to Wash Stuffed Animals in the Washer section] is fine for most stuffed animals.

<h3>How to wash stuffed animals without ruining them.</h3>
Place the stuffed animal in a mesh laundry bag, zippered pillowcase or pillowcase with the end knotted closed. Use the Delicate, Hand Wash or Gentle cycle setting on your washing machine [link: anchorlink to How to Wash Stuffed Animals in the Washer section], along with cold water with your favorite Dreft Liquid Detergent [link: Dreft Baby Detergent Lineup Overview] to help keep colors from fading and keep your little’s skin safe.

<h3>How do you wash stuffed animals with beads?</h3>

Put the stuffy in a pillowcase and knot the ends closed or tie off with a hairtie or rubberband. Wash in cold water using a Dreft Liquid Detergent [link: Dreft Baby Detergent Lineup Overview] on Delicate, Hand Wash, or Gentle cycle with your washer [link: anchorlink to How to Wash Stuffed Animals in the Washer section]. If it seems too fragile for the washing machine, hand wash[link: anchorlink to How to Wash Stuffed Animals by Hand section].

<h3>How do you wash polyester stuffed animals?</h3>

If the stuffed animal is all polyester with no other materials, give machine washing [link: anchorlink to How to Wash Stuffed Animals in the Washer section] a try, but use a gentle cycle and cold water. Always use cold water temperature to reduce discoloring. Don't use a dryer with heat [link: anchorlink to top of FAQs about How to Wash Stuffed Animals section], especially with polyester, as heat can damage glue, plastic, or the fabric.

<Closing Paragraph>

When it comes to lovies, no one knows better than we do how important it is to keep them soft and clean so those who love them stay soft and clean [link: Baby Skin Care] too.


  • Add anchor link section (listing H2 titles) to help navigation within the article

  • Use ca. 5 interlinks / min 1000 words – contextually relevant linking

  • Link to product pages, or other conversion points, where contextually make sense

  • Use bulleted, numbered list and table format when it’s possible

  • Add sources to the article

  • Support articles with visualizations and images for better content digestion and user engagement

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